Get educated in the studio for $60 with an hour-long lesson or $200 with a month's worth of lessons.
Getting educated in the recording arts can be the start of a life-long hobby, years of creative fulfillment, a new business, or hundreds of other avenues. Audio is such a wide field, and each person who engages with it can pave their own paths to get the most out of it. Whether you're a high schooler looking for more extracurriculars or an entrepreneur looking to create a media business, I can help guide you on how best to achieve your personal goals.
Let me share with you the all the ways I've found how to best run a recording session, mix a 4 piece band, or produce a track from nothing but a cell phone demo. I've spent years running this recording studio and continue to educate myself in the vast world of music and audio. I graduated in the spring of 2020 with a BA in Music Technology from Virginia Tech.